Course of Updating of Swimming with Teacher Roberto Pavel
(20 hours), POA/RS - BRAZIL. April 10, 1988.
Medicine Course (Official course of COI ) 20 hours, POA/RS
- BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.
Course of Sport Medicine (Official course of COI ) 20 hours,
POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.
Course of Lactacidemia: Methods Laboratorias (I Study Official
of COI) 20 hours, accomplished at the Hospital of Clinics of Porto
Alegre, POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.
Day Gaúcho of Sport Medicine, Study Olympic of Sport
Medicine and I Encontro Mercosul of Sport Medicine (Official course
of COI ) 20 hours, accomplished in AMRIGS, POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.
Course Olympic Sport of Training: Methodology and Medical
Evaluation (Official course of COI ) 20 hours, accomplished in
AMRIGS, POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.
I Course of Applied Physiology to the Aquatic Activities with
Teacher Alvaro Reischak Oliveira (20 hours), accomplished in the
Aquatic Center School of Swimming, POA/RS - BRAZIL.
October 02 to 03 October of 1993.
I Course of Updating of 4 Swims with Teacher Roberto Pavel
(12 hours), POA/RS - BRAZIL. Oct. 30-Nov.02,1997.
I Course of Flexibility and Prolongations with Teacher Roberto
Pavel (12 hours), POA/RS - BRAZIL. Oct. 30-Nov.02,1997.