

Personal Data

Name: Michel Vilche do Nascimento
His began to teach swimming in: 01/12/1991
Academic formation: University of Physical Education of IPA/Instuto Porto Alegre
His lives in: Porto Alegre/RS - BRAZIL
Occupation: Swimming Teacher of the Natacenter Academy
His swim Favorite: Crawl (Swim Freestyle)
Favorite class: Classes of Techniques of Swim

He is developing work as swimming teacher to 10 years and 3 years with the home page Web Swimming - The swimming site.

Professional History


Swimming Teacher of Natacenter Academy Porto Alegre/RS - BRAZIL


Swimming Teacher of RAIACENTER - Porto Alegre/RS - BRAZIL - athletes' Trainer (infantile, juvenile and adults) specialized learning for babies and children; it developed researches with athletes and students with sub-aquatic filming and evaluations biometrics - postural.

Coordinator of the Infantile and juvenile group in Maldonado/Uruguai - 23 to 28 June of 1997.


Swimming Teacher and Coach of Natacenter Academy Infantile and Juvenile Team. With specialization in the swimming teaching for adults.


He worked volunteer as Swimming Instructor in period of season of vacations in the Center Community Parque Madepinho - CECOPAM - Porto Alegre/RS - BRAZIL, developing work of competitive training of swimming with the community's children for the community games Inter-centers.

Some Courses

        • Course of Updating of Swimming with Teacher Roberto Pavel (20 hours), POA/RS - BRAZIL. April 10, 1988.

         • Sports Medicine Course (Official course of COI ) 20 hours, POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.

        • Olympic Course of Sport Medicine (Official course of COI ) 20 hours, POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.

         • Olympic Course of Lactacidemia: Methods Laboratorias (I Study Official of COI) 20 hours, accomplished at the Hospital of Clinics of Porto Alegre, POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.

         • XVIII Day Gaúcho of Sport Medicine, Study Olympic of Sport Medicine and I Encontro Mercosul of Sport Medicine (Official course of COI ) 20 hours, accomplished in AMRIGS, POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.

         • Course Olympic Sport of Training: Methodology and Medical Evaluation (Official course of COI ) 20 hours, accomplished in AMRIGS, POA/RS - BRAZIL. Aug.4-7,1993.

         • I Course of Applied Physiology to the Aquatic Activities with Teacher Alvaro Reischak Oliveira (20 hours), accomplished in the Aquatic Center School of Swimming, POA/RS - BRAZIL.

October 02 to 03 October of 1993.
         • I Course of Updating of 4 Swims with Teacher Roberto Pavel (12 hours), POA/RS - BRAZIL. Oct. 30-Nov.02,1997.

         • I Course of Flexibility and Prolongations with Teacher Roberto Pavel (12 hours), POA/RS - BRAZIL. Oct. 30-Nov.02,1997.


Other Accomplishments

· Developed research works and analysis of the I swim through sub-aquatic filming, in a period of 6 months, with evaluations biometrics and posturais;
Technical Auxiliary · of the State Champion Team Master of the year of 1998 (Club Caixeiros Viajantes - Porto Alegre/RS);
· Founder of swimming site Web Swimming - the swimming site, a dedicated page the research and update swimming.

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