
Michel Vilche


In 1945 a futurist treaty appeared originally entitled "We May Think" published by "The Atlantic Monthly" written by Vannevar Bush. In that treaty, Bush pressed their friends scientists for they leave aside the war machines and they gave beginning the important task of turning more accessible the "inherited knowledge of the times" and the experience of the world. In some points of your treaty, they were born the hipertext notions and hipermedia. Nowadays, World Wide Web (created by Tim Berners-Lee, also known with Web, WWW or W3) it is the largest system of knowledge spread that uses those notions.


I developed in 1997 my first site called Web Swimming - The site of the swimming, was the ínicio of a new phase for the development of my work as swimming teacher. Then I began with some constructions and updatings for friends; in 1998 more insurance of the language HTML, Java Scripts, CSS Styles, was ready to become a Web Designer.

I built site for Luciana Pinto - Painting on Any Surface, Hospital of Clinics of Porto Alegre, among others. Now the work as Web Designer almost occupies that totally my life, I have been giving course of Editors of HTML, Flash and other applications of websites development.


See some of my works done in the year 2000:

Brazilian Art

Site of the Brazilian plastic artist Luciana Pinto.

Swimming Site

The site of the competitive swimming, with all of the events of the world of the swimming.



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